31 January 2024

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Skin care is all about the details. As we age, skin aging is a natural phenomenon. However, some unhealthy habits can accelerate skin aging, leading to premature wrinkles. PhytoFairy will share a few common bad habits. Let's see you who talk about "anti-aging" every day, how many of these are you guilty of?

1. Sweet Treats as Skin's "Aging Catalyst"

Consuming too many sweets not only leads to weight gain but also accelerates cell aging, causing the skin to lose elasticity and develop wrinkles and pigmentation. Research indicates that excessive sugar consumption may damage collagen and elastin, hindering the body's ability to repair them. To maintain a youthful appearance, reduce sweet intake and consider alternatives like fruits.

2. Inadequate Sleep

Not getting enough sleep once can make you look tired, and prolonged insufficient sleep can lead to loss of skin elasticity, resulting in dark circles, wrinkles and other signs of aging. Research links insufficient sleep (less than 5 hours per night) to skin aging and impaired skin barrier function. More importantly, sufficient sleep appears to lower the risk of several chronic diseases, including heart disease, cancer and dementia. It is recommended that adults should sleep 7 to 9 hours per night. If you don’t want your skin to age that fast, let’s start to sleep early by today!

3. Excessive Alcohol Consumption

Overconsumption of alcohol can lead to dry, inflamed skin and even ruptured capillaries. It also has harmful effects on the heart and liver. Moderation is the key, with a recommended daily limit of two drinks for men and one drink for women.

4. Lack of Exercise

Moderate exercise promotes good blood circulation, delivering oxygen and nutrients to skin cells, maintaining skin health. Conversely, prolonged sedentary behaviour prevents the effective elimination of toxins and waste, leading to duller, more aging skin. Aim for 30 minutes of moderate exercise daily to support overall health and maintain youthful skin.

5. Neglecting Sunscreen

Direct sunlight not only darkens the skin but also accelerates moisture loss and aging, exacerbating freckles and wrinkles. Preventing skin aging requires adequate sun protection, such as using sunscreen, hats, umbrellas and sunglasses when outdoors. Studies show that even in middle age, applying sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) is crucial for delaying skin aging. Of course, developing sunscreen habits early provides better skin protection.

On the journey of caring for our skin, let's bid farewell to these "bad habits" and cherish our skin from now on. Remember, the best skin care is embracing life with a happy smile. Let's live younger and more carefree with smiles to keep our skin youthful!