13 September 2023

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Health is vital to everyone. However, we seem to ignore our own health when living a busy life and focusing on work. In Malaysia, the National Health and Morbidity Survey 2019 results found that 3 out of every 10 people suffered from hypertension. Hypertension, also known as elevated blood pressure, is a disease that occurs when blood vessels continue to be under high pressure. We also need to know that hypertension is a “silent killer”, and most patients with hypertension have no apparent symptoms in life. In fact, health is guaranteed with a little attention and early prevention. Let PhytoFairy helps you maintain good health by collecting and sorting out the health knowledge that we usually ignore!

How to prevent hypertension?

The World Health Organisation recommends that our salt intake should not exceed 5g (less than one teaspoon) per day, because a high salt diet will increase the risk of hypertension. We can also reduce the use of seasonings such as soy sauce, oyster sauce, chilli sauce, tomato sauce and so on. Use natural seasonings as an alternative such as onions, garlic, pepper, chillies, lemons, ginger, turmeric, lemongrass and so forth which can make our food more delicious and healthier.

Try to prepare your own food at home, and reduce eating out and take-away as they contain a lot of seasonings. So how to reduce salt intake when you are eating out? We can ask to reduce sauces and gravy because they are high in salt, fat and calories. In addition, cut down on fast food, processed food, canned food and preserved food; eat more vegetables and fruits to stay healthy.

Avoid smoking and excessive drinking. Smoking and alcohol will raise blood pressure, and smoking will also lead to various health problems, including cancer, cardiovascular diseases and respiratory diseases.

Exercise more. Exercise at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise every week, such as brisk walking, doing housework, walking with pets, dancing and so forth. You can also do 75 minutes of strenuous aerobic exercise, such as ball games, jogging, mountain climbing, swimming, cycling and so on, or pair moderate-intensity exercise and strenuous exercise together. Regular exercise can improve overall health and the cardiovascular system, reduce cholesterol levels, and maintain a healthy blood pressure level.

To sum up, regular diet, moderate exercise, quitting smoking and not drinking alcohol can reduce the risk of hypertension and protect cardiovascular health. You are welcome to act together with PhytoFairy, controlling your salt intake, and maintaining healthy living habits are the keys to preventing hypertension!