19 May 2021

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Human body is similar to a huge water bag, water constitutes approximately 60-70% of an adult’s body. Water is not only the source of life, but it is also extremely important for the human body. Especially blood, whenever our body become acutely dehydrated, our body cells will not be able to survive.

The main function of water in the human body is to transport the nutrients and oxygens to every tissue and organ, besides discharging the metabolites out of our body through urination, perspiration or our liver function. Without water, our cell tissues and body functions will not operate normally.

Apart from transporting the nutrients and facilitating metabolism, water also helps regulating body temperature, maintaining blood circulation and helping our skin to maintain its elasticity, as well as helping to reduce the formation of fine lines caused by dry skin.

People nowadays are always busy with their jobs. Some rush for work, some decide to cut down their water consumption to avoid several trips to the bathrooms. This could lead to a dehydrated body if these unhealthy habits continue for a long period of time. In addition, habitually holding in urine may also increase the possibility of getting urethritis and affect our kidney function.

Drinking water the wrong way? You might get unfavourable results

1. The first glass of water after waking up in the morning

Drink a glass of warm water (about 250 ml) after waking up in the morning not only helps to ease your bowel movement, but it may also balance out the gastric acid in your stomach.

2. You need water even when you are not thirsty

No matter how busy you are, you need to remind yourself to have some water at least once an hour. Always remember to drink water regularly even though you’re not that thirsty.

3. Other beverages do not count

It is advisable for healthy adults to drink 8 glasses or 2 litres of water per day. If you have had other beverages, such as coffees, tea, cocoa drinks and other beverages, you may need to drink more plain water.

4. Choose clean mild alkaline water

Filtered water source can reduce the risks of food poisoning caused by polluted water.

For the good of your health, you can install PHHP Alkaline Spring Water in your home so that your whole family gets to enjoy pure and clean water. Not only is the mild alkaline water easy to absorb for the human body, but it also helps keeping our body at a healthy mild alkaline state. Water of good quality can always provide better health for the human body.

Besides plain water, the water content in foods is very abundant as well. Vegetables and fruits typically contain high water contents so we can get nourished through the consumption of vegetables and fruits. Moreover, if water is too bland for you, you can choose sugar free tea instead, or any other healthier choices.

By the way, PhytoFairy has got a great recommendation for you — Phyto Chlorophyll! Phyto Chlorophyll is extracted from mulberry leaves, added with Chlorella and natural minty taste which is cool in flavour and able to quench your thirst. If you like the minty taste, you can add 1-2 caps of Chlorophyll into the water. The taste is not only good but also helps to strengthen your body for better health!

Make sure you drink good quality water and drink it the right way. Healthier Living, Happier Life!