19 January 2022

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Eggs are highly nutritious. Other than being a source of protein, they are also rich in nutrients, such as vitamin B12, iron, zinc, and more.

Last week we have learned how to pick good eggs, so let's take a look at other myths about eggs this time!

Q: You can only eat one egg a day or it affects blood cholesterol?

According to Malaysian Dietary Guidelines, we do not need to limit the intake of eggs in particular. Because the nutritional value of eggs is relatively higher compared to meat, it also has less saturated fat than meat.

Although egg yolks contain a certain amount of cholesterol, saturated fat affects our blood cholesterol far more than the cholesterol we get from eggs.

Thus, people with high blood cholesterol are safe to consume eggs. But remember, do not take more than three eggs a week, and boiled eggs are healthier than fried eggs!

Q: Is it better to eat raw eggs?

If you eat raw eggs, it is more likely to ingest the bacteria on the surface of the eggshell, including pathogenic bacteria, into our body. The most common pathogen in eggs is Salmonella. Salmonella can cause symptoms such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and acute gastroenteritis will occur.

But you don't need to worry too much, as long as the eggs are fully cooked, the pathogenic bacteria on the surface of the egg shell can be eliminated! Therefore, when choosing eggs, be sure to choose eggshells without cracks to prevent pathogenic bacteria from entering the eggs!

Q: How should eggs be stored?

Eggs should be placed with the tip down, because the air chamber of the egg is at the rounded end, which can avoid air to enter to the air sac to keep the eggs fresh.

Moreover, don't put eggs on the side door of the refrigerator, because opening and closing the refrigerator door all the time will cause the differences in temperature in the eggs, which can easily lead to staleness.

Also, eggs do not need to be cleaned, because the eggshell has a protective film. If cleaned, the bacteria will enter the egg through the pores of the eggshell. So just wash the eggs before cooking!

I hope this article can help you have a deeper understanding of eggs, and don't misunderstand the values of nutritious eggs again!